Cranberry White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
Cranberry white chocolate oatmeal cookies are so chewy and delicious! Dried cranberries, white chocolate, pecan all wrapped in a...
Cranberry white chocolate oatmeal cookies are so chewy and delicious! Dried cranberries, white chocolate, pecan all wrapped in a...
In these delicious Sausage and Arugula Stuffed Shells; italian sausage, garlic and wilted arugula is mixed with creamy ricotta...
This peppermint icebox cake whipped cream layered between chocolate cookies and then lined up and frosted with more whipped...
The perfect peppermint whipped cream. Swirl it into coffee or hot cocoa, spoon on top of chocolate pie or...
This bacon mushroom risotto has leeks, shallots, cremini mushrooms, Parmesan cheese swirled into creamy arborio rice. It’s heaven in...
This creamy roasted ginger carrot soup is dairy free! Carrots are tossed with ginger and tamari, roasted and blended...
Today is the day that brown boxed packages are being delivered to doorsteps and those of you lovely people...
Pizza sliders are basically pizza in slider form. Soft rolls topped with a quick homemade sauce, pepperoni and mozzarella...
I am so unbelievably thrilled to share that this past Wednesday night was a success! A success both personally...
White Chicken Enchilada Lasagna is like white chicken chili but in the form of enchilada lasagna. Cheesy and delicious,...
I have a thing for apple hand pies. Little portable personal pies that requires no forks and only your...