Air Fryer Jalapeño Cheddar Bagels
Air Fryer Jalapeño Cheddar Bagels are deliciously spicy and cheesy. A quick no-yeast dough made with ingredients like Greek...
Air Fryer Jalapeño Cheddar Bagels are deliciously spicy and cheesy. A quick no-yeast dough made with ingredients like Greek...
Spice up your lunch this week with this Cilantro-Lime Grilled Chicken Avocado Salad! Grilled adobo seasoned chicken is chopped...
Get your veggies and pita ready for the Creamiest Blender Hummus! No fancy ingredients required, all you need is...
These Carrot Cake Cupcakes are moist and incredibly flavorful. A classic carrot cake recipe renewed by using 6 different...
A simple Bagel and Lox Brunch Spread is easy to pull together. In this post I share how to...
This Lemongrass Chicken recipe is simple and healthy. Chicken Thighs marinate with lemongrass, ginger and garlic before roasting and...
Nothing beats a Classic Gin and Tonic. Crisp, refreshing with a hint of lime. Add a few sprigs of...
Zuppa Toscana is a deliciously hearty soup of mainly potatoes, kale, sausage and cannelini beans. This one-pot gem is...
In this Roasted Pumpkin Kale and Feta Frittata; spiced roasted pumpkin, sautéed onions, mushrooms and garlic bake with pasta,...
Air Fryer Pumpkin Spice Bagels are flavorful without all the calories. The dough is made with Greek yogurt, pumpkin...
Forget jarred sauces when you can easily make an incredible Homemade San Marzano Marinara at home. Sautéed onions and...
Have leftover smoked pulled pork? Turn it into this incredible delicious Smoky Pulled Pork Chili! Leftover smoked pulled pork,...