Vegetarian Chorizo Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
There’s so much flavor going on in these Vegetarian Chorizo Stuffed Sweet Potatoes! Roasted sweet potatoes are stuffed with...
There’s so much flavor going on in these Vegetarian Chorizo Stuffed Sweet Potatoes! Roasted sweet potatoes are stuffed with...
You’re going to fall in love with these Huevos Rancheros! Warm corn tortillas spread with smashed black beans and...
Slow Cooker Mushroom Barley Stew is a cozy filling vegetarian recipe consisting of rutabaga, carrots and celery, leeks and...
Looking for a healthy and filling salad? This Southwest Chicken Salsa Ranch Taco Salad is your answer! In it,...
Pomegranate seeds add a pop of color and tartness to this Holiday Guacamole. Make this addictively delicious and festive...
Step up the nutrients in your marinara by swirling in homemade butternut squash purée. In this robust Butternut Squash...
Whether it’s for soup, sauce or pie making, homemade Butternut Squash Purée is as simple as roasting squash halves,...
In this homemade Roasted Red Pepper Tomato Soup, roasted tomatoes and red peppers are blended with sautéed onions, celery...
This Grilled Peach, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Flatbread is a deliciously light appetizer and perfect for your next get...
Grab and go with these delicious Make Ahead Yogurt Parfaits! Vanilla yogurt topped with fruit and homemade granola –...
This easy Homemade Pretzel Bread recipe is a simple bread dough consisting of warm milk, yeast, brown sugar, butter, salt and flour....
In these Chocolate Guinness Brownies, chocolate and stout beer collide in a decadent and fudgy brownie. Topped with a...