Chipotle Chicken Salad
This Chipotle Chicken Salad is simple and so flavorful! Shredded cooked chicken is mixed with black beans, bell peppers,...
This Chipotle Chicken Salad is simple and so flavorful! Shredded cooked chicken is mixed with black beans, bell peppers,...
It’s fall and that means Apple Cider Doughnuts! Like literally there is apple cider running through the veins of...
Sweetened with honey these honey buttermilk waffles are easy and delicious! Serve with warm maple syrup and fresh fruit...
Glazed Whole Roasted Carrots; tender carrots glazed in a sweetly-tangy balsamic and honey glaze. Easy peasy delicious carrots! Carrots...
This easy Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup is my go to recipe when I’m a little under the weather or...
Slow cooker balsamic honey pulled pork is sweet, tangy and delicious! Try serving it on cornbread and top with...
This homemade Classic Red Velvet Cake is moist, rich and decadent. A luxurious two-tiered ruby red buttermilk cake with...
In these Almond Banana Muffins, the batter is split and half is mixed with cocoa so you get a...
These Dijon Roasted Redskin Potatoes couldn’t be any easier! Redskin potatoes and onions are roasted in a garlicky Dijon...
In this pan-roasted chicken breasts recipe, the chicken skin gets super crispy before the chicken is sent to finish...
Easy and delicious Homemade Sour & Spicy Dill Pickle Spears, or also known as refrigerator pickles. No canning required!...
This herbed focaccia has herbs throughout and is topped with caramelized onion and kalamata olives. A delicious concoction of...