Lemon Basil Ricotta Stuffed Shells in a Champagne Cream Sauce
Lemon and basil ricotta stuffed shells in a champagne cream sauce is just as decadent as it sounds. Ps....
Lemon and basil ricotta stuffed shells in a champagne cream sauce is just as decadent as it sounds. Ps....
These Mississippi Mud Brownies are decadent and delicious! A moist brownie layered with chocolate chips, topped with melted crunchy...
This southwest chicken chili is a one pot masterpiece full of flavor. Shredded chicken, roasted poblano and charred corn,...
These Double Dark Chocolate Merlot Cookies combine the best of both worlds: wine and chocolate, in one soft chewy...
In these chimichurri steak fajitas, flank steak is marinated in homemade chimichurri and grilled, sliced and stuffed into corn...
These individual baked macaroni and cheese pots are easy and so deliciously cheesy! Baked in cocottes for perfect individual...
Homemade ricotta mixed with fresh lemon and basil. Smear it on toasted bread or fill pasta shells, either way...
Wow, another year here and gone! It’s amazing how the older… ahem, more mature I get…the faster the years...
These sugar crusted chocolate chip muffins are the perfect sweet treat for any day! What makes these extra special...
These Mexican Hot Chocolate Pecans are slightly sweet, only a smidgen spicy and a whole lot delicious! Perfect for...
My girls and I make these M&M Pretzel Kisses every year at Christmas time. Super simple and a sweet...
Grilled Double Decker Pizza Sandwich- a three tiered grilled pizza sandwich filled with mozzarella, pizza sauce and pepperonis! This...