Italian Sausage Brussels Sprout Ravioli
In this Italian Sausage Brussels Sprout Ravioli, sautéed shallots, garlic and cooked mild Italian sausage tossed with oven-roasted Brussels...
In this Italian Sausage Brussels Sprout Ravioli, sautéed shallots, garlic and cooked mild Italian sausage tossed with oven-roasted Brussels...
Salad doesn’t get any easier than this Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad! Ultra-thin sprouts topped with slices of juicy pear,...
Scalloped Corn Casserole is a simple to throw together side dish. Fresh corn, quick homemade cream corn and crushed...
This one pan Roasted Turkey Thighs and Drumsticks is perfect for a small gathering. Short on time? Feeding a...
This recipe for Slow Cooker Pork Chops with Herb Gravy is so simple and comforting. Simply add seared seasoned...
This roasted garlic potato soup is deliciously simple! Smooth and creamy potato soup that is ready in no time!...
This simple Brussels Sprout Gratin has crispy bacon, tender shallots and lots of white cheddar cheese. Perfect side dish...
So the story goes like this: I decided to make this super fantastic baked rice pilaf along with roasted...
Wine Braised Pork Shoulder served over fontina grits is the cozy comfort in a bowl. Slowly braised pork nestled...