Red Velvet Cupcakes with White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting
Nothing says Valentine’s Day like Red Velvet Cupcakes topped with white chocolate cream cheese frosting! This recipe is easy...
Nothing says Valentine’s Day like Red Velvet Cupcakes topped with white chocolate cream cheese frosting! This recipe is easy...
This homemade Classic Red Velvet Cake is moist, rich and decadent. A luxurious two-tiered ruby red buttermilk cake with...
This Halloween, serve these spooky Black Velvet Cupcakes! A light and tangy buttermilk cake with a hint of black...
In this homemade Roasted Red Pepper Tomato Soup, roasted tomatoes and red peppers are blended with sautéed onions, celery...
Roasted Red Pepper Pasta is a delicious meatless meal! Oven-roasted red peppers pureed with sautéed vegetables, lots of garlic...
This year leave some Naughty Coal Cookies out for Santa! Deep, dark chocolate cookies studded with bittersweet chocolate look...
Another year, another Year In Review. Can you even believe it? I never can, the end of the year always...
These almond macaroons are crazy easy and majorly delicious! Tender and chewy coconut cookies dipped and drizzled with chocolate....
Whether it’s for carrot cake or red velvet this is my favorite cream cheese frosting! Only 4 ingredients; cream...
2012 has been an amazing, busy, fun, exciting and crazy year. I survived a blog redesign, we moved to...
An easy and effortless way to learn how to line a cake pan with parchment paper. Helping the cake...
This deliciously spiced Mexican Hot Chocolate served with a dollop of cinnamon whipped cream will warm you up on...