I am so unbelievably thrilled to share that this past Wednesday night was a success! A success both personally and professionally.
Personally because we know how I felt before the Fox2 cooking segment. And professionally… well, I’ll talk about that a little later. First though, from beginning to end it was such a thrill and I thought you might like some highlights from my experience at QVC.
When I first arrived and passed through security, I saw and heard David Venable. He was chatting with some of the more frequent guests and sampling these little round cakes. I was a little awe struck! First because he’s SO tall!!! And also because he’s the face we all know and love to watch on his show; In The Kitchen With David.
Photo cred: My sister Christine made this of David eating my toffee topped fudgy brownies and the autumnal beef stew!
When I finally got to meet him, he was as warm and inviting as you would totally expect. Making me feel welcomed and comfortable immediately! In fact this is a glimpse of how we first met.
Stage Manager: “David, this is Laurie.”
David: *huge smile* “Miss Laurie are you my girl!?”
Me: *laughs* ” Yep! I’m your girl!”
David: “You know Laurie, it looks like to me that you could use a hug!”
Me: *laughs some more* “I never turn down a free hug.” (well at least not by a celebrity, that’s for freaking sure!)
-After hug. And by the way the top of my head came below his armpit. I’m not short at 5’7- he’s just SO tall!
David: “Well Laurie it’s so nice to meet you! Your book is beautiful and when I first saw it, I knew we had to have it on the show.”
Me: *blushing* Thank you! That means so much!
David: “And I just want you to know. If you lock up out there, not to worry, I’ll knock you upside the head. (pause) I’m just kidding, I am here to help you. I will carry you through.”
Me: *laughs- again* (seriously what am I 16?) “Well that’s good to know! But honestly, once I’m out there I won’t be nervous so don’t you worry!” And then I might have winked at him. 😉
David: “Now that’s what I like to hear!!”
Then he went on to ask me questions about why I think cooking from scratch is important, about my family and other stuff about the recipes that were going to be featured and then he shook my hand and said he’d see me later. Throughout some of the shows, if he saw me watching and the camera was on the Temptation canisters he’d wink at me and wave! I about died. My only wish is that I got a picture with him! So this one below will just have to do.
Before I went on to do my “teaser” and the actual segment I had to take a moment and look around, taking in my surroundings. I took a deep breath and was ready to rock this out. My beautiful sister, Julie, told me not long ago, to take deep breaths and visualize a successful show and it will happen. So I did… and it was. Even though by 10:30 I felt like my make up was sliding off my face and my hair limp and lifeless, but in the end I guess I don’t really even care because it was so much fun and one heck of an experience.
But before I go, I wanted to express my sincere thanks to the food stylists that prepared the recipes from my book and made the table look exceptional. It honestly took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes. They paid such close attention to detail from the purple placemats, to the wooden crates and the handmade doilies that the cookies were stack onto. FROM SCRATCH DOILIES!! Here is a video I took of the table and shared on my snapchat (laurie.mcnamara), you can even hear David in the background making his sweet potato casserole!
When it was over and I was airing myself off at the Dyson fan, I opened my phone and saw TONS of text messages and facebook comments!! To have so much support from friends, family and my friend Anne from Avery… it was an amazing thing to behold. But the highlight was that my girls being able to stay up to watch with Pat, and receiving texts from them (in all caps) of how proud they were! So COOL.
I’m so truly thankful to those of you who tuned into watch Wednesday, bought books and sent texts and facebook messages of support! And to the new friends made from that segment Wednesday and who also purchased a book- THANK YOU! With that said, in 10 minutes total of airtime on QVC, 2,500 books were sold!!!!!!! What’s that like 250 books a minute or something?! I’m not certain but the power of TV is a magical thing. If you’ve preordered anywhere online (even QVC!) please don’t forget you’re eligible for that FREE 10 easy dinner recipe bundle! If you missed the segment don’t you even worry! Here’s the link to QVC where you can purchase the book and/or watch the segment.
OH and after the show, David fist bumped me. Life = complete.
My cookbook Simply Scratch : 120 Wholesome Homemade Recipes Made Easy is now available for pre-order! CLICK HERE for details and THANK YOU in advance!
Buy the Cookbook: Simply Scratch : 120 Wholesome Homemade Recipes Made Easy Now available on Amazon »
THANK YOU in advance for your support!
Michigander here and I’m so happy for you Laurie!
Thank you Julie!!
Laurie –
Congrats on your cookbook and on the QVC appearance! I’m also a Michigander…..born and raised here. I cannot say enough about how much I love your recipes. Every recipe I’ve made from your blog has been wonderful. The flavors are always spot on and everything turns out amazing. Your blog is my go-to blog when I’m trying to decide what to make for dinner…….I’ve made some of your recipes dozens of times. Does your cookbook have recipes that aren’t shown on your blog?
Thank you so much Terry! To answer your question, YES! There are plenty of new recipes in the book, most of the recipes that have already appeared on the blog you’ll find in the Basics chapter (things like ketchup, pestos or a few of the seasonings). The few recipes in the remaining chapters that were first seen on my blog have either been revamped to be easier or more from scratch. It was my goal to have as many new recipes in it as possible, so if I had to guess I’d say the book is 85% new recipes!
Saw part of the show, but missed seeing you!!! It was SO COOL to see that your new cookbook was going to be featured. Congrats!!!