Easy Enchilada Chicken and Rice Skillet
This Enchilada Chicken and Rice Skillet is one pan easy dinner! Leftover chicken (or rotisserie!) is tossed with sautéed...
This Enchilada Chicken and Rice Skillet is one pan easy dinner! Leftover chicken (or rotisserie!) is tossed with sautéed...
Taqueria Style Pickled Jalapeños are perfect for your nachos, tacos or fajitas and more! Onion and garlic are sautéed...
Want something to warm you up on these frigid winter nights? Let me introduce you to this Lamb Shawarma...
Lighter White Chicken Chili is not only healthier than traditional chicken chili but easier too because it’s made in...
This Salsa Verde Chicken Tortilla Casserole has layers of pan toasted corn tortillas, shredded poached chicken, Monterey Jack cheese...
These Cheesy Beef and Bean Burrito Rice Bowls are inspired by my husbands favorite fast food restaurant only deconstructed into rice bowls...
Move over guacamole, this Smoky Chipotle Black Bean Dip is here to take your spot this Cinco de Mayo!...
Chicken and Rice Enchiladas couldn’t be any easier. In this recipe you toss cooked, shredded chicken with leftover rice,...
I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking that I missed spelled fajitas. Right? Nope. Skillet Frajitas are a real...
This Ancho Chorizo Chili recipe is inspired from a delicious chili my daughters order at our favorite Mexican restaurant....
Turkey Taco Beer Chili is simple yet flavorful. Lean ground turkey, pinto and black beans in a taco seasoned...
This tandoori roasted chickpea & squash Buddha bowl is the best thing I’ve made myself for lunch in a long...