Kielbasa Potato Leek Soup
Kielbasa Potato Leek Soup is made with browned kielbasa, tender russet potatoes and vegetables like leeks, carrots and cabbage...
Kielbasa Potato Leek Soup is made with browned kielbasa, tender russet potatoes and vegetables like leeks, carrots and cabbage...
This No-Knead Rustic Bread Loaf is one of the easiest bread recipes. It starts with flour, salt, yeast and...
This Slow Cooker Whole Chicken yields a tender juicy chicken every time. Simply place a whole chicken on top...
This Leftover Meatloaf Sandwich is a great way to use up dinner leftovers. Grilled sourdough bread is slathered with...
This sunny Citrus Vinaigrette is light and bursting with citrus. The perfect vinaigrette for your favorite salad. Yields about...
Blackened Salmon Tacos are a quick, simple and healthy meal! Blackened Salmon is flaked and tucked into corn tortilla...
“It’s your outlook on life that counts. If you take yourself lightly and don’t take yourself too seriously, pretty...
Eggnog Cheesecake is the perfect holiday dessert! A nutmeg spiced vanilla wafer cookie crust with a rich and decadent...
Mel’s Cheesy Potatoes is a classic side dish our family loves. A creamy and cheesy potato casserole topped with...
An Eggnog Latte is a warm and cozy beverage consisting of heated eggnog, espresso and steamed milk. Top with...
Creamy Tomato Parmesan Tortellini Soup is a simple one-pot soup with cheese tortellini, crushed tomatoes, parmesan cheese, spinach and...
This Spicy Salmon Crunch Bowl is a deconstructed version of my favorite sushi roll. Sushi rice drizzled with soy...